Wednesday, December 9, 2015

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35 stats conveying the key trends in the digital and social media industries in 2015 [Infographics]

This blog post highlights 35 amazing statistics from the fabulous We Are Social Global Digital Statshot August 2015 SlideShare (80 701 views) using two infographics. The We Are Social Global Digital StatShot SlideShare presents 43 very edifying statistics as of August 2015. The infographics present 40 of the 43 statistics as 35 statistics. Ten of the statistics are illustrated as 5 index numbers. 

This post is an August 2015 update of the Stats Cosmos Global Social Media landscape architecture introduced in two previous blog posts and the recently launched screencast series.

The blog posts are: 

  • A list of A list of One hundred statistics embodying the global social media landscape
  • The Regional Digital, Social, and Mobile in 2015 statistics list that every blogger, writer or internet (content) specialist should take a look at to get a good mathematical basis from which to formulate social media and digital statistical content

The new screencast series is:

  • Social Media Data Analysis Screencast series

The approach taken in the post will be, firstly, to introduce the architecture’s statistical population, namely, the global population. The second step will be to present the year on year comparisons which the 10 statistics are presented as year on year change index numbers in the infographics. The next final step will be to present the three statistics from the Global Digital August 2015 StatShot SlideShare that are not included in the infographics. The last and final step will be to present the two infographics, Hipster and Data Geek, constructed using the marvelous Hubspot infographics template.

1. Global population (Summary)

Slide 2 presents the global population, its accompanying sub-populations and characteristics. The sub-populations are active internet users, active social media users, unique mobile users and active social media users. The characteristics are the resulting penetrations and the level of urbanization.

The landscape architecture global population estimates use the Internet World Stats database as the source database. The landscape architecture is updated according to the Internet World Stats database snapshots. The statistical population modeling within the landscape architecture use the Salesforce Marketing Cloud estimates and the We Are Social estimates as controls.  The statistical modeling is conducted within the Udemy College Introduction to Website Survey Sampling course framework. The Introduction to Website Survey Sampling course framework includes the Revolution R Open and SAS OnDemand for Academics software bundles.

The following summary statistics and Quantile-Quantile (QQ)- plot from the SAS software Proc univariate procedure were obtained. The value of 0 in the dataset refers to a territory where no data is available at present.

The accompanying Quantile-Quantile (QQ) -plot shows that, as expected, the distribution of the population sizes is skewed to the right.

The QQ-plot of the log transformation of the data shows a closer correspondence to normality.

The population estimates can also be presented using the Revolution R Open gvisGeoChart function from the googleVis package.

2. Global population year or year growth properties

Slide 3 presents the year-on-year growth characteristics of the global population and its constituent sub-populations.

The interesting message of this slide are the sizes of the percentages. The global population is growing at a rate of 2.5% and the number of unique mobile users at 3.5%.  This means that the acquisition of new cellphones is growing faster than the population is growing. The first exciting Internet of Things development is the growth of 7.6% growth in internet users which implies an increasing global internet penetration. These developments are in line with the observations in the Stats Cosmos architecture, Internet World Stats database, Salesforce Marketing Cloud data, We Are Social data, and the Ericsson Mobility Report data (from the Ericsson Mobility Report website). Additionally, they are in line with the Ericsson Mobility Report forecasts.

The next interesting features are the social media and mobile social media percentages of 8.7% and 23.3% which indicate increasing social media penetration and mobile social media penetration. The two developments are explicitly highlighted by the Global Digital We Are Social SlideShares:

The developments are also highlighted from a technological perspective in the Ericsson Mobility Report (June 2015) SlideShare. The Ericsson Mobility Report (June 2015) and its accompanying SlideShare also include forecasts up to the year 2020.  Absolutely amazing and exceptional.

3. Social Media platforms not included in the Infographics

Slide 3 provides a comparison of active users by social platforms. The comparison is two dimensional in that it includes both the social networks and Messenger/Chat App/VOIP markets. The three statistics not included in the Infographics but included in the Stats Cosmos global social media landscape modeling architecture are the active users of the social media platforms YY, Vkontakte and LinkedIn. 

The reason the statistics were not included was because the Infographics looked to present the users of the Top Eight Social Media platforms as a non-parametric statistic. The statistic has, however, been analogously computed for the top ten in the Stats Cosmos global social media landscape modeling architecture presented in the blog posts and screencast series.

4. Infographics Hipster and Data Geek

The developments in the global digital and social media industries are amazing. They are shaped by wonderful technological developments in the form of the Internet of Things, big data and technology. From an academic blogging perspective they provide an excellent learning, content creation, content management and business management resource. Additionally, this trend is forecasted to be a major influence in the evolution of the global digital space for the next six years. You and your fellow internet users can easily become a part of it, or better still, influence it through the your own blogs, the Stats Cosmos blog and the internet generally.

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